Thursday, June 5, 2014


There is a reported case of pertussis at Luke and Evie's school.  It was reported to the school by Tarrant County Public Health.  I'm not saying this has to do with someone who wasn't vaccinated, but the probability is high.  I'm not a fan of non-vaxers.  I'm just saying.  If you want to stop following me now, that's fine (since not many people read this anymore anyway).  It just chaps my hide when I hear the excuses for not vaccinating a child.  I can only shake my head and bite my tongue.  (Yes, this is me biting my tongue; you have no idea how much I have to say about this subject).  Anyway, I hope the child is okay and that no one else gets pertussis in the school.

That is all.


FWAtty said...

sometime you will have to tell me what you have to say over drinks of course. and I STILL READ YOUR BLOG!!! :)

Angie said...

I recently found out that only something crazy like 20-some-percent of the children in my county are fully vaccinated. That more than annoyed me. It really ticked me off. Geez...
I still read too. :)

Mom said...

I still rezd your blob and I agree that children should be protected with vacinnations.