Friday, January 9, 2015

Christmas Cat Testicles

So remember how George wanted to know what cat testicles look like?  Well, our dear friend Lauren actually sent over a pair of cat testicles in formaldehyde.  Disgusting? Yes.  I still can't believe it, but it still cracks me up!  She insisted that George have them for his birthday.  So, after George celebrated turning SIX at Chuck E. Cheese (the restaurant I despise the most in this world), Lauren's husband grudgingly made a special delivery to our house.

And here they are--Cat Testicles.

I jokingly set them in front of Hobbes and sang, "Reunited and it feels so good..."
The only person even slightly amused by this was Chuck.

You think my house and my life is strange?  Yes, yes it is.  You are correct.  We are definitely the weird neighbors.  And George's teacher made sure that the cat testicles were not an appropriate show-and-tell subject.  I totally agree.

But then, when I picked up the kids from school yesterday, Luke announced, "I told my class that George got testicles for Christmas."

My eyes widened with shock before I closed them in defeat and before I could even respond, Evie asked, "Testicles or cat testicles?"  And all I could imagine is that Luke's class is wondering why George was born without testicles.

I would have spit out my drink if I had been drinking anything.  Instead I let out a nervous, embarrassed, defeated laugh.  When I could breath again, I told them all, "You really shouldn't talk about  testicles at school.  Even cat testicles. Got it?"  Oh good lord in heaven.  They are my children.

But even with cat testicles in our possession, we had a lovely Christmas.  Just look at these adorable kids!

It was Evie's year to put the star on the tree.

George and Chuck are always trying to make me swoon.

Seriously? Christmas kitty?

Two of my favorites!  All dressed up for church on Christmas Eve.

Posing before they destroyed their outfits (although I notice that G's shirt wasn't tucked in at this point).

He insisted on posing on his own.  I'm not kidding.  He insisted, and he chose this pose.

Luke also insisted and chose this pose.

Evie did not insist or want to take a picture, but after I took pictures of the boys I figured I ought to get one of her too.

And then there was Christmas Morning.  
How very blessed we are!

Especially after the hell that is known as the Barbie Dream House.
Santa was not pleased with its mocking instructions.

And I just have to throw this one in there for good measure, since they love each other so much.
Calvin and Hobbes -- spooning.

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