Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Only me.

Riding in a packed elevator this morning (filled with attorney's from a firm on the floor above mine), I looked in the reflection of the elevator doors (where I stood in front of everyone) and realized I had a tampon hanging out of my gym bag. *heavy sigh* Do these things only happen to me?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Catching up . . .

Wow, guys! I had no idea it had been a whole WEEK since I posted. I'm really falling down on the job. Truth be told, Chuck was out of town for the beginning part of last week and I spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in Dallas at an Advanced Employment Law continuing legal education class. Sounds ridiculously thrilling, right? :) Truth is, I learned so much at my class last week and actually enjoyed it! I can't help myself, I just love learning.

In spite of the craziness of last week, I have to tell you, I've been doing pretty well. Getting through the days and the nights. We even had a wonderful weekend together with lots of family time and an entire evening with our friends Caroline and Wayne at a fancy schmancy restaurant celebrating Caroline's birthday.

Friday I surprised the kids with a trip to the bowling alley. (Chuck was out of town.) We had pizza, and they kicked my butt.

George was actually more interested in carrying the ball around and balancing on it.

On the first game, I scored 51 and Luke scored 109.

The other two, including the three year old, were somewhere in between. I was pissed that they wouldn't let me use bumpers too. The second game allowed me to redeem myself, but Evie still won the game with a score in the 80s. Luke could probably blame his loss on me since I bowled for him while he spent half the game in the bathroom. I checked on him 5 times and even walked in twice to make sure he wasn't being molested -- I'm a little crazy like that. Turns out he just had some business to attend to and could have used a newspaper. I promise you that a bowling alley is one of the last places I'd like to attend to business of that nature. I digress. The good news was that George only threw his ball down somebody else's lane once and in spite of his ball moving at a glacial pace down the lane every time, it only stopped half-way down once. Definitely a successful outing!

Sunday, I spent the morning recovering from a slight hangover and then we took the family out to the Rodeo. The shows were sold out, but we spent a good amount of time wasting our money on the Midway. Turns out Evie is fearless when it comes to roller coasters and other rides. She had a blast riding them with Chuck while Luke, George, and I waited on the ground. Love that girl! The two older kids also got to ride ponies. George wasn't interested.

They also got to pet Elsie and her calf.

And then we got a bag of cotton candy to round out the day.

Oh, and we finished the weekend with homemade lasagna (that I made), a bottle of wine, and the movie Midnight in Paris. Fantastic all around, including the lasagna!

Hope you all had just as wonderful a weekend as I did. Unfortunately, I started my Monday morning with my yearly exam which, frankly, is better than the dentist, so I shan't complain.

Do you like how I threw in the word "Shan't"? Seriously, the word is underutilized. I challenge you to use it in a sentence today.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Blues

Realized half way to work, as I was feeling good about being so early, that George was still sitting in the back seat. Shit!

On another note, I got back to working out today. Just 2 miles to ease my way back into the swing of things. Happy Monday, everyone!

Friday, January 20, 2012

She said it; I thought it.

This is a perfect article for Mommies to read and for my husband to read so he can understand the crazy internal war going on inside my head.

Friendly Fire

Feel Better Soon!

Thinking of my sister Joan today and hoping that she's feeling better and able to go home from the hospital!

Love you Joanie!

Movie Quote 90

Whoa, right? That's a lot of movie quotes. We watched this movie a couple of days ago and had forgotten how funny it is. Good luck. Here it is:

Looks like Chuck's takin' ol' one eye to the optometrist.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I know it is time to get my hair done when ChuckyLuv mentions it to me. Getting the deed done today.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Who's that? Oh, it's me!

And I'm back!

Missed me, didn't ya'? Well, dry your tears, I have returned from the court house defeated. What can I say? You win some, you lose some. Good thing I'm not a sore loser.

Unfortunately, I've been sick since last Thursday, which put me even further behind with my entire life . . . including, sadly, my running. I let it slip. My last run was six miles on the Saturday before trial. It's been over a week. I suck. I hope to get back in the swing of things, but I'm sad that I let it all slip so far. And that's all the pity I will allow myself. I'll have to get back to it asap.

Other than the trial, I haven't done much. Poor Chuck and the kids really missed me (or at least I try to convince myself that they did). I had the distinct pleasure of getting to be the official photographer of Luke's pinewood derby. I was volunteered by someone tall, smart, and funny. Any guesses? Yeah, I wasn't too happy, but I got a new camera out of the deal so I guess it's a wash. Nonetheless, I spent all day Saturday watching little boys and their dads race their wooden race cars with Cub Scouts. If you haven't heard of the Pinewood Derby, then just thank your lucky stars, glance at these pictures, and move on to the next topic in this blog post.

Luke won third place in his Den (yet, another Boy Scout term that I was unfamiliar with before Luke joined the scouts). We're proud of him and I think he had a good time. It was a very long day for the rest of us though. I'll grudgingly admit that it is interesting for a while, but severe boredom had set in by 3:00 p.m.

After being immersed in testosterone for a full day, Evie and I had a "Girlish Day" (her term, not mine) the next day. I was pretty sick still, but I dragged my happy ass out of bed, took a shower, got dressed, and went to see Beauty and the Beast with Evie at the movie theater. We also put make up on each other, painted each others nails, and watched princess movies at home to round out our Girlish Day. It was lots of fun, all at Evie's dictation. She's pretty cool, and she definitely looks older with makeup on her beautiful face.

I was fully recovered by Monday, but still taking it easy. It was tough though, because I watched the kids all day since it was a holiday. We ventured out to the movie theater to watch the latest Chipmunks movie, then took a ride on the train, and headed home for lunch and more movies. We are rather boring I guess, but these faces make me smile.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In Trial

Stay tuned . . .

Friday, January 6, 2012

He's happy naked.

I won't be overly surprised when he poses for Playgirl.

He refused to put his clothes on last night.

[pursuant to Chuck's request,
I have removed
these photos for
George's protection.]

We insisted on putting a diaper on him, but when we checked on him before we went to bed he was buck naked. We put on another diaper, but this morning he was naked again! Sheesh!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sweet Sixteen

Check out this Sweet Sixteen birthday present: CLICK HERE.

I was thrilled to get sixteen red roses from my mom. (She's kinda awesome that way.) Now I'm thinking I should have asked for a mansion . . .

Chuck better start saving his money now so he can get Evie something wonderful.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Evie: My eyes sweat when I yawn.

Me: *giggle-like-a-six-year-old-girl* When that happens we say your eyes are "watering" not "sweating."

God, she is absolutely adorable and precious and such a snuggle-bug!

I love this picture of her with her friend from school. They posed perfectly!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So, the holidays came and went.

Did you survive?

I did.

I even survived an entire day at home with my children by myself.

Amazing, right?!

The family has a New Year's Resolution: To stop eating boogers.

I'm not kidding about this. It's disgusting and rampant at my house but really the boys are the only ones that eat their boogers. I can't believe Luke hasn't been bullied out of this by now.

Any good resolutions out there?