Friday, July 30, 2010

She's Here!

She's here in Fort Worth.
In bed at the moment, probably.

After a long delay with her flight from New Jersey to Dallas/Fort Worth, Rosie finally arrived at 9:00 p.m. last night. Her flight was supposed to arrive at 7:02 p.m. Two hours at the airport by myself was a boring experience, but she is well worth the wait. (Plus, it is karma getting back at me for making Lindsey wait for 45 minutes when we picked her up at the airport - we were waiting for her at the wrong gate - Oops!)

Anyway, Rosie came off the plane with another au pair named Marcella who is super sweet and bubbly. I helped both of them get their bags and waited with Marcella until she was able to find her family. Oh, and Marcella is going to be an au pair for a family in Dallas. She has FOUR kids! One 5 year old and 3-year-old TRIPLETS! Can you freakin' imagine?! The whole family was there to greet her with a sign and balloons. The kids must have been exhausted, but it was super sweet. Poor Rosie just got me, but she'll be indoctrinated into the entire Berend Family in good time!

We met Chuck at Chili's for a late dinner and then went home to have one glass of champagne in honor of Champagne Thursday. It was lovely. I'll post more later!


Mom said...

Glad she is finally here.

Lisa said...

welcome rosie!!