Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Still Coping . . .

Sadly, nothing new to report, except to confirm there has not been a third death.
Baby George is growing and developing right on schedule. I've been so sore from walking in the morning, working on the house, playing with kids, and generally walking around in heels and carrying light boxes at work. I've decided to give it a rest because I looked like a decripit old woman walking around all the time. I still wear the heels, but I've given up walking for a week and the house is finished since it is on the market already. We had a third showing today. My doctor suggested that a wear this crazy sling type contraption to support my belly and take the weight off my back. Here's a picture.

I refuse absolutely to partake of the contraption, but she also suggested prenatal yoga and I'm definitely up for that. I'll let y'all know how that goes. Until then, I'm feeling physically a lot better than I did last week. Why don't they have pre-maternity leave for when moms are so very sore and uncomfortable? - not that I would take it, but I would definitely consider reduced hours.


Jess said...

That is one sexy piece of maternity wear! Yikes. Prenatal yoga is the way to go.

We are hoping no more deaths...prayers to the families you mention in your last entry.

Lisa said...

Roxanne wore one of those belly support belts...looks more like a bella band but I think it helped her. Maybe ask, doesnt look as crazy as the one you posted!

Glad to hear George is doing well and still a George! :)

Cowtown Camera Girl said...

I am so impressed that you've been walking up to this point. And at 6:00 a.m. every morning, right? Before I was pregnant I had such good intentions of running all throughout my pregnancy. I was going to do it and it was going to be a breeze. But it lasted all of about a month in the beginning. And then even walking was hard for me. So I am impressed with you girl!