Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ah, sleep.

I got EIGHT consecutive hours of sleep last night! Yes, this is a miracle in my house. Chuck and I retired to bed around 9:40. I washed my face, etc., and fell asleep promptly at 10:00 p.m. I didn't wake up until 6 a.m. this morning. I was supposed to get up at 5 a.m. to work out (I haven't been very good the past few days), but I didn't even hear my alarm clock, although I must have turned it off somehow. I seriously love sleep!

Luke got about 10 hours of sleep last night - also a miracle. He refused to pick up his toys last night because he said he was too tired. I argued with him from about 6:15 to 7:00 (which is ridiculous), but when I found him laying on the couch after multiple threats, I finally just sent him to bed. He cried his pissed-off little head off for about 45 minutes, but he ended up falling asleep and woke up in a GREAT mood this morning - although still mad at his mother for sending him to bed. It was a little weird having Evie and George up by themselves without Luke around, but Luke really needed the sleep.

Hope you all slept as well as we did!


Mom said...

I also slept well. I got up at 8. Must have been good sleeping weather last night.

Jenn W said...

My prayer before I went to sleep last night was "please God at least 4 hours of consequetive hours..." His response-- 3 1/2 hrs --I take that as an almost "answer" to prayer :)