Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hini shots

I stopped at Walgreens on my way home from work last night so that I could pick up two necessary food items for the house: (1) peanut butter and (2) macaroni and cheese. When I walked out of the store, I noticed that the sign lit up just underneath the Walgreens logo where they advertise sale items read, "Hini Shots Now Available." I quickly realized, as I'm sure you already have, that it was really, "H1N1 Shots Now Available" but for the brief moment when I thought it said "hini" I gave a chuckle and enjoyed it. I know you can't really see it, but I took a picture with my phone anyway.

Oh, and more adorable pictures of George and Evie. (It's odd that I don't have more pics of Luke these days.)

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