George Maxwell Berend:
Big yawn!

This one just makes me laugh. He really looks like a grumpy old man - especially when you take his hat off.

Me - pretty tired on the second day at the hospital.
First night at the hospital after George was born. Notice my hair looks great! I had it done right before I called the doctor and was ordered to the hospital for observation. What great timing.

I feel so out of touch with the world! Here I am just soaking up the time with my little George and the help from my mother. She's been great! I am getting plenty of rest and lots of help. Thank heaven, George is an angel! Still, it is tough on the system to wake up every couple of hours and stay up for an hour feeding during the night. I swear there is nothing like a full night of uninterrupted sleep. Sleeping for eight hours total during the night doesn't really give you the rest you need if you have to wake up every couple of hours. Still, it is much better than my experience with Luke which was to be awake for hours at a time and have Luke only sleep for an hour at a time. He was the opposite of what a baby should be - although he is perfect now.
Sorry to not be able to keep up to date, but hopefully I'll get better at managing everything after the holidays. It's been tough trying to wrap up my Christmas shopping and having guests in and out. I've been so grateful for the company though. Still, we have a boat load of family arriving tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with us, and I still have a few more gifts to buy. Gotta love last minute Christmas shopping and fighting the crowds. Hope all of you are more ahead of the curve than me.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! I'll try to get more recent photos uploaded soon.
He is Beautiful!! I'm so glad Mom is there to help. And I'm only ahead of the curve because of Lego Online and Amy wanting CDs. I don't have to do the Santa thing anymore.
And you - You Look Marvelous!
Sorry we can't be there in person to see George.
Have a very Joyous Christmas!
ps; I'll see if I can get Colt to post some Q&A for you. It was outrageous.jmb
just let me say that i am STILL behind the curve from you and i didn't just have a child plus 2 others to take care of. kudos to you for just looking good!
george looks perfect and more like grumpy old chuck in that pic! ha ha! congrats and can't wait to meet the little angel!
He is beautiful. You look amazing too! Here is hoping for long stretches of sleep for you and George. Enjoy the cuddles while you can. I miss it already.
Congratulations Theresa! What a beautiful baby boy!
sorry... Congratulations Theresa AND Chuck!
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