Monday, December 8, 2008

Still here, but growing weary. I am moving much slower these days, and sleep is more and more difficult to come by. Still, George is kicking away. He's ready to leave his cozy home and we are ready to greet him. We spent the weekend cleaning the house and purchasing all our baby necessities. I think we are really ready to go now. I even have a bag almost completely packed. I've put all George's clothes away and moved the bassinet into our room. I set up a changing station upstairs and downstairs and marveled at the size of the tiny newborn diapers. It amazes me every time!

Forgot about all the fun necessities you need to have: nipple cream, breast pads for nursing, pads for the other end, a snot sucker (aka an aspirator), changing pads, sensitive wipes, bottle racks, alcohol for the umbilicus, vaseline for the circumcision, etc., etc. There are still a couple of things that I forgot to pick up, so we'll try and get those this week. One of the things was pads, so Chuck picked some up on his way home from church yesterday, but instead of bringing home pads, he brought home a huge package of Poise. I looked at him like he was crazy and said, "I said I needed pads, not diapers! Do I look like an older woman who is incontinent?" His only response was that he got the biggest thing he could find and he was sure it work the same way. Let's hope so. Goofball.

Evie has become super clingy - probably a result of having the baby on the way (so says Evie's teacher). We're trying to work through it, but she is in tears if we even ask her to let go of us so we can go to the bathroom. I hope she grows out of this soon, but for now I'm a little concerned.

Before all that shopping, however, we got to go see Santa at the Club. Evie was sick so she stayed home with my mom. Luke had a really good time and ate up all his pancakes. I was really impressed with this event and will have to post some pictures. Luke asked for a scooter. As luck would have it, I hear that Santa has a scooter in his workshop just for Luke (don't mention that to Luke). Santa also has a scooter in his workshop for Evie, but I have no idea if that is what she wants from Santa.

Still have a few more gifts to buy for Christmas, but all in all, we are pretty ready for George to be here and for Christmas to arrive. For now, I'm just working steadily and slowly. Trying to get through the next couple weeks. I think I'll have continually reduced hours because I can barely walk or concentrate on much for any period of time. If I had some extra time off, I would gladly trade this last couple weeks for my couch and the remote control. Oh well. I'm here and I'm making it.


Joan said...

Amy was also very clingy before Colt came. It shifted a bit to Vernon with me being in the hospital. But once I got home with the baby she was all about being the Big Sister and helping. I would spend time with her after Colt would go down for a nap, doing something just for Big Kids - like coloring or painting or making bead necklaces on yarn. Even now I try to do something different with each one on a weekly basis.

Mary said...

Does Evie have a high chair for her baby dolls? If not, I have a really adorable white and pink wooden one that she might like so she can feed her babies when you are feeding George. Just an idea - let me know if you want it and I can send it up with Mom.

Theresa said...

That's okay. We're trying to thin out our toys. Too much clutter. I think I'm going to go through their closets this week. Thanks for the offer.