Thursday, September 3, 2009

19 years ago today I didn't get to say goodbye to my Dad before he died. Now, I have to explain to Luke and Evie (and eventually George) where my Daddy is. Heaven, my sweet darlings. He's in heaven.


Mom said...

Me either.

Theresa said...

no one did.

Mary said...

I wish I had...

amym said...

Does it ever get any easier??

Lisa said...

sending love your way....

Theresa said...

Amy - yes. yes, it gets easier. didn't even shed a tear this year. now it's just the odd things that hit me, like talking to my kids about him, or seeing something in the store that I know he would have liked. Take heart, you will always miss him, but the loss won't feel so raw and painful as time passes. It is amazing how true it is that time heals. Love you girl. Lots and lots of love to you.