Tuesday, June 16, 2009

If it wasn't this, it would be something else.

Water heater broke with a "BOOM!" this morning. Water was gushing all over the floor under our stairs. Called Chuck and he headed home. I had all the kids on the curb, no shoes, cell phone to the ear, neighbors gathered, trying to turn off the water. Chuck finally turned it off when he got home 20 minutes later. I gathered up the kids an hour after the incident and headed out the door, but then George had a blow out. I changed his diaper and went to wash my hands - oh, yeah, no water. I scrubbed up and used an old glass of water that was on my bedside table to rinse. Then I took the kids to school. Old houses rock.


Joan said...

I'm so glad you are all okay. I would have had a blowout myself with a "BOOM". Hope things get back to normal soon.

Mary said...

Oh no! I hope it all gets fixed up soon.

Stacey said...

Sorry to hear that. Glad you are okay...hope your floor is okay too. Same thing happened at our old house, but we weren't there for the boom so did not know until damage to the floor had been done.

Lisa said...

eeeks, what a morning! glad you guys are okay though! and LOL about washing your hands with the old glass of water! good mommies are resourceful! ;-)