Monday, March 23, 2009

George's Surgery

George is scheduled for surgery today at noon. He's having the skin tag on his ear removed by a plastic surgeon. I'll post pics later. I don't have a problem with them removing it, but it makes me sad (1) to put my baby through that type of procedure; (2) to remove a part of him (weird?); and (3) to alter his body from what it was when he was born so that he will never truly know what he was like when he was born. Yes, I think these thoughts are weird too, but it is what I'm feeling.

I'm also feeling rather sad because my baby is growing up. I'm not nursing him very much anymore and for some reason it has always been sad to me to watch my milk run dry. TMI? There's just something about nursing (even though I'm not a huge fan of it inasmuch as I am not a la leche nazi or believe that you're cheating your child if you don't breast feed), that makes me feel closer to my sweet baby. Plus, seriously, the breast milk tastes way better than formula (do the comparison). I have to admit that I'm totally grossed out by the thought of trying my own breastmilk, and in my experience with each child, I could only muster enough courage to taste a drop of breastmilk and a drop of formula. It creeps me out for some silly reason, but I felt the need to know what the stuff tastes like. The breastmilk tastes pretty good (for breastmilk), but I don't know how any baby can stand the formula - It is disgusting and smells that way too. I guess it doesn't really matter what I think it tastes like so long as George likes it.


Joan said...

Okay, don't read further if Theresa's post grossed you out...

I actually did taste my breast milk and did several comparison taste test with the many different formulas. I choose one that was the closest to the flavor of my milk for Colt.
Since breast fed Amy until I was pregnant again, I just switched her to regular milk at 18 months of age. Yes, I breastfed her until she was 18 month old, I kept it going with regular pumping every 6-8 hours. I learned how to breastfeed on a pump since she was in the hospital so long. My freezer looked like a dairy farm!
Back to formula issues, I had tasted the Pregestamil (predigested milk for Amy) - Gag! Choke! Spew! anything was better than that stuff. I really didn't like any of that brand choices and ended up settling on Carnation (now Nestle) Good Starts. And you're right, breastmilk is pretty tasty, especially when you consider it is for your baby.

Jess said...

I have tasted my breastmilk, so has Jason. It is really sweet...kinda grosses me out too. Being a working mom and nursing is hard. I am trying to make it to a year so I don't have to do the formula thing. It is good you made it this far. No worries.

Lisa said...

hope the surgery goes okay thinking about you and about george!

Susan said...

i tasted my milk a while back...i was curious about what i was feeding my baby. tasted like watery sweet milk, not too bad, i guess. :-) i'm not looking forward to formula, but i know it's coming soon because this momma won't be pumping at work (at least what i tell myself now). i have a good supply stocked up in the freezer so that will last us for a bit once i go back to work. not looking forward to that, ugh.

Theresa said...

Thanks for the post, Sue! Yes, pumping at work sucks unless they have special facilities for you, and even then it's not all that fun. Still, I'm sure Sam will appreciate all your efforts.